Sunday, October 31, 2010

Big Change

Yesterday I underwent a massive change in appearance. I know, it may be shocking, so prepare yourselves.

So in case you didn't notice I got a new pair of glasses! Yes... they are still black. Yes... they are almost the same... but they are different too! 1) More square 2) New prescription 3) Better lenses (see before picture for strange haziness on my right lens). Now tell me how awesome they are.

Products of our imagination

I carved a cute pumpkin:

Henry crafted one of his own :

No wonder we don't get any trick-or-treaters.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

quick pic

Here is a cute picture I snapped while video chatting with my sister, Rebecca, and my nephew, Elijah. No, Rebecca and I are not the same person. Although we do make the same cheesy faces to try to get Elijah to smile (me, bottom corner; her, middle).