Biggest news since September 2011.... there is baby inside me! The little one will have a known gender in a few more weeks and will make an appearance somewhere around June 24th. Here is a picture of a stick that I peed on in case you don't believe me:

And the baby itself... this was a few weeks ago so I'm sure baby is much bigger now. My niece thought it looked like a dog, but I'm pretty sure it's a baby.

This was the Fall of Utah trips. I've flown to-and-from Utah 3 times, and next week Henry will make his third trip to the motherland as well. The first trip I made was for my lovely roommate Leslie's wedding. Here she is being happy about marriage:

The second trip was for Thanksgiving. All of my family gathered for my nephew Sam's baptism! Here he is with a great quilt my mom made:
We also celebrated another joint birthday with a chocolate chunk cake that my sister Kim made. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling exactly up to par (silly baby) so I didn't get to enjoy it quite as much as I would have liked. There's always next year!
Me and my sisters. That's the best part of Becca's face, you really don't want to see her right cheek...

Henry practicing entertaining a baby... he'll be doing a lot of this in a few months :)
Little Santa devil with red-eyes. He's not really possessed, we promise.

And this is on the trail behind my work. It was really pretty, but I'm glad I can just work from home and not drive in it...

The third trip was for another wedding of an old roommate. Deanna looked gorgeous, but I didn't seem to take many pictures unfortunately...

We also got to spend time with family and friends. Henry loved his new baby nephew, Daniel, and Daniel loved him too! Henry could make him calm down and be happy when no one else could. Here's Daniel in a too big snow suit that just looked too cute!

In between all those things, Henry dressed up as Waldo for Halloween and carved a pumpkin that won the ward trunk-or-treat contest:
I made a nativity out of lab supplies for an impromptu White Elephant gift exchange at my job. It was pretty fun.

We went snow-shoeing for the first time up in the Snoqualmie Pass. I ended up getting a blister and walking the trail without snowshoes (thus Henry is holding them), but it was still fun to get out and see all the pretty snow!

Little did we know it would be coming to us in a few weeks...SNOWMAGEDDON! There is a road behind me in this pic, but you wouldn't know it since it's all the same color.

Oh yeah... and we're buying a house :) More details on that to come!