#2. National Portrait Gallery. It's like a whole museum full of the stories of individuals throughout history. Simply amazing. It allows you to put faces to all those names that you've always heard. Our favorite thing was seeing the pictures of the presidents that were used on money (the penny, $1, $5, $100).
#3. KHAAAAAN! So if you haven't seen the Star Trek movie "The Wrath of Khan" (TWOK) then WATCH IT. We both loved the newest Star Trek movie, so we thought we'd go back and watch some of the old ones. We're pretty dorky, we know. Anyway, TWOK was actually pretty good. The shot of William Shatner screaming KHAN!! is well-preserved by the website above. And just so you know, this guy's chest is NOT a prosthetic (which makes him just a tad bit more creepy than he already is).

#4. Church was wonderful and uplifting as ever. We have a very diverse ward with members from many African countries (Mali, Cameroon, and Nigera, that I know of) and we really enjoy listening to their inspiring testimonies and comments. We also found a random connection through someone that knows Henry's family from Pueblo, CO. Oh Pueblo.
#5. Henry and I are still very much in love and enjoying our time together in this exciting city! Only 9 more weeks to go!

P.S. I just learned how to make words into links and am now obsessed. Funny youtube videos here, here, and here.