Friday, June 12, 2009

domo arigato mr. yogato

So we just had frozen yogurt at this place called "Mr. Yogato" this evening. Good yogurt, trivia challenges, free do-it-yourself toppings, and old school nintendo. While the extra chocolate sauce made my night, Henry was just ecstatic to play Mike Tyson's Punchout for 15 minutes.

Here are the RULES OF YOGATO:
  1. If Mr. Roboto comes over the speaker system and you sing along,
    you get 10% off yogurt.
  2. Try your luck with a trivia question. Get it right for 10% off, but get it wrong and 10% is added.
  3. If you will wear a yogato stamp on your head, you get 10% off.
  4. If you can recite the Stirling battlefield speech from Braveheart in a great scottish accent, you get 20% off yogurt.
  5. Order a yogurt for 30 consecutive days and we'll name a flavor after you. View 30 Day Champions
  6. If a customer suggests a topping or flavor which is then adopted, that customer receives a 5% discount for life.
  7. If anyone can stump Steve on trivia regarding Seinfeld or "The Rock," 10% off yogurt.
  8. Anyone wearing a kickball uniform and has played hard (evidenced by dirt on their knees) will receive an automatic 10% off yogurt.

We helped someone name five state capitals with two words (not including city). They are: Des Moines, Little Rock, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and Santa Fe. Next time we're taking the trivia challenge.


Malia said...

DC sounds like so much fun! It looks like we aren't driving a truck anymore...we are having our stuff delivered for us. It worked out to be cheaper. So that means we will be arriving in Boston on July 23rd.

I wish we could swing by DC but I don't think we are going to be able to make it happen :( Oh well, if you guys live there next summer there is a very high probability we will too

Elise said...

Is that seriously for real? It sounds like the most amazing place.

Meagan said...

That's SO fun! My husband was impressed with the kickball one.