Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kreative Naymes!

Henry and I were brainstorming our favorite baby names (seriously for no reason...), and we came up with a list that we'd like to share with the world. PLEASE feel free to use any and/or all of these names if you have a child in the works (aka prego). Some of these can be bi-gender (like all good names, of course), but I'll list them by which gender we thought they fit best:

For Her:

Rubella (nickname Ruby or Ella)
Laceration (nickname Lacey)

For Him:

Abrasion (nickname Abe)

We'll keep you updated as to the number of children who are born with these names in the next year. They'll definitely catch on sooner or later.


Heath said...

I don't think Gonorrhea will work out because it's very embarrassing to have the conjunction "nor" as a nickname.

Ashley said...

Those names are particularly "catchy"!

Nick and Katherine said...

I love it! We wanted to name our first son Tryptophan! My parents got upset when we told them though.....

Baby Liam said...

Ebola has always been a personal favorite. Also, Malaria could almost sound cute if pronounced with a Spanish accent and spelled MalarĂ­a.

Sydney Vivian Lambson said...

I think these are all great and honestly I wouldn't even know where to narrow it down. What happened to Chlamydia? I really think that has a great ring to it.

Meagan said...

K but don't get mad if we steal any of those.

Leslie said...

Gonorrhea. What a lovely name.

Al said...

I like Typhus because it is an update of the classic Tyson or Tyrone and it sounds Greek. Is Malady pronounced, "Mu-lay-dee" cause only then will I like it.

Malia said...

Tori, what's new in Provo land?

p.s. when are you moving to seattle?
david and i are debating between visiting vancouver or hawaii this august and if we visit vancouver maybe we can figure a way to come see you guys...

You Are My Fave said...

I love thinking of baby names just for fun. At first I thought you were serious with this and I thought, "yikes, they don't have the best taste."