Saturday, November 27, 2010


With our time off after Thanksgiving we decided to take a short road-trip down to Portland. I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but here are a few highlights.

Here we are in a Chinese Garden downtown. It was really gorgeous.

Look how excited we are about that Tea House!
We saw this place was popular online, but we aren't huge doughnut fans so we weren't too sure. But after a few enthusiastic recommendations from friends we decided to go. The place looks like a dive inside and out, but the doughnuts were amazing. They came in a distinctive pink box, and we saw a bunch of other people carrying them around town.
Flashback to Philosophy 205 (Deductive Logic).... All good things come in pink boxes? Or all pink boxes contain good things? Well, the contents of this box were DEFINITELY good. This picture was taken after we had already eaten the one with maple frosting and bacon - DANG GOOD. These ones have oreos, cocoa puffs, and chocolate chips/peanuts/peanut butter/chocolate syrup/bananas. Yeah. I'm serious.
We also had a fun time checking out the Saturday Market and Powell's City of Books (a city-block size bookstore). And we had some great real food (besides doughnuts), too. Portland is a cool city, and I felt out of place not wearing skinny jeans... but whatever. At least I've got the dark-rimmed glasses to help me out. Even though we have a cool city nearby (Seattle) where we can go do similar things, it was fun to get away for a day or two.

PS-- It also helps that Oregon has no sales tax! I got a sewing machine! So look forward to more crafty posts!


We had a double birthday celebration last week (similar in intensity to a double rainbow) and Mother Nature decided to bestow upon us the much un-anticipated gift of snow. Lots of it (for the NW). It left the roads frozen and treacherous. Two cars were stuck in our apartment entryway for a few days. Most of Seattle shut down and lots of people put on chains. Yeah, it was pretty exciting.

So what do you do when life gives you snow? Make snowmen!!! On Thanksgiving morning we made a snow-family on MS campus. The snow was PERFECT for rolling into snow-people parts -- must be the humidity. We like to call them our snow-friends (from a Donald Duck children's book, "Donald makes a snow friend").
Ok, so we're not experts at making snow-friends, but they are pretty awesome, right? We also made an angry snow-friend (or enemy?) looking into Henry's bosses window.

Unfortunately for the snowmen, but fortunately for us, all of the snow melted later that day. I never thought I would be so grateful to hear the sound of rain outside.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Look what Tori made!

Tori spent a good amount of time today turning boring hoodies into great gifts for our nieces and nephews:

Get it? They're little monsters! Here's the shot with models: