We had a double birthday celebration last week (similar in intensity to a double rainbow) and Mother Nature decided to bestow upon us the much un-anticipated gift of snow. Lots of it (for the NW). It left the roads frozen and treacherous. Two cars were stuck in our apartment entryway for a few days. Most of Seattle shut down and lots of people put on chains. Yeah, it was pretty exciting.
So what do you do when life gives you snow? Make snowmen!!! On Thanksgiving morning we made a snow-family on MS campus. The snow was PERFECT for rolling into snow-people parts -- must be the humidity. We like to call them our snow-friends (from a Donald Duck children's book, "Donald makes a snow friend").
Ok, so we're not experts at making snow-friends, but they are pretty awesome, right? We also made an angry snow-friend (or enemy?) looking into Henry's bosses window.
Hey! You have had more snow that we have here in Utah!! Crazy! We are moving back to WA December 15th and we want to hang out!!! See you guys soon!
I see THREE snow people. Papa snowman, Mama snowlady, and the BABY snow-boy/girl. Announcing something Tori?
You guys make us laugh. Did the boss see his frenemy?
BTW, who goes to work on Thanksgiving?
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