Saturday, June 19, 2010

Seattle Cribz

Hello again! Just thought I'd post up some quick pictures of our new place. This is it all unpacked and decorated (I'm not that fancy so it didn't take too long, although as time goes on I want to replace some things). So now you can imagine that you are us, living an exciting apartment life!

A dishwasher! Gasp! We haven't had one since we got married, but it was a remarkably easy adjustment to make.

Please take note of our amazingly fancy entertainment center, built completely by Mr. Henry Tappen!

Once again, we are open for visitors! As you can see there is space on the couch... or the floor....

More Seattle fun updates to come!


Megan said...

Yay! Congrats on the new apartment and entering big-people life in Seattle :)

Nick and Katherine said...

So cute apartment! And awesome new blog header!!!

Emily said...

I love the header!!! Cute apartment. Happy to see you've settled in so quickly.

Jessica said...

What a great lookin' place! Thanks so much for putting these up so we can see them - it's like a mini-electronic visit to see you. kind of...

Anyways, I agree - your new header is super cute. Just wanted to let you know. Love ya!