Friday, June 25, 2010


So this show was totally awesome. Even Henry loved it. The show is playing in a big tent just a short-ish walk from our apartment, so we went last weekend. But seriously, the show was great, and it did have jaw-dropping moments where I couldn't help but say "wow" out loud. I felt like a kid.

On a more grown-up note, I started a job yesterday! It is a great company and I think I'll really enjoy working there. It's also a much shorter commute than to Salt Lake from Provo, so I'm excited.

Now Henry and I both have jobs where we can't talk about what we're doing. It works well since I don't get computers and Henry doesn't get science.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

That sounds awesome.

And p.s. I am so in love with your new header that I squealed with delight when I saw it.